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Accidents occur everyday at the workplaces leading to workers becoming ill and/or injured. Managers must conduct incident investigations in order to determine how the accident or incident occurred as well as “near misses”. The purpose of investigations is to see where the organization fell-short with safety and identify those hazards in their operations. Focusing the incident and accident reporting on root cause versus blaming any one person is not only helpful to the safety initiative of the organization but good for morale as well. OSHA covers these policies and standards under regulation 29 CFR 1960.29.1

These micro-learning clips are designed to help learners understand what is the purpose of accident investigation, what are the importance of reporting accidents and near misses, what is a root cause analysis, what is the root cause analysis of a workplace accident, training to reduce workplace accidents, how to prevent workplace accidents and what are the procedures of a root cause analysis. Incident reporting should be taking place every time there is any accident, near-miss or even death to prevent future accidents stemming from the root-cause or hazard.