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What is Root Cause Analysis

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: How to properly determine the cause of an accident, what are the contributing factors of an accident, what is the purpose of root cause analysis, how to properly perform root cause analysis, what are the relevant information to a root cause analysis. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 13 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

When accidents happen, it’s important to know why. Even when the reason seems obvious, the real cause may be more complicated. That’s where accident investigation comes in. It examines the incident systematically to determine its true root causes. This information can then be used to update policies, procedures or equipment to help make sure a similar accident doesn’t occur in the future.

Atlantic Training’s Accident Investigation training program provides employees with the information that they need to understand the goals of an accident investigation, the process itself, and how they can participate in the process to help make their workplace safer. And these updated versions of the products include all-new visuals and a fresh look and feel… to engage trainees more effectively and promote better learning.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

The biggest benefit of incident investigation is protecting and even saving lives. Being thorough in your investigation is part of your commitment to safety. There are other benefits too by preventing future incident and prevent disruptions to operations and productivity, you’ll avoid the significant costs of another accident. Finally, a thorough investigation should help you identify and improve factors that contributed to the incident. Accident investigation is problem solving, you have to define the problem, pinpoint the causes of the problem and then find solutions to prevent reoccurrence.