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Get Instant Access To Your
30-Day Free WAVE Trial.

Test Atlantic’s fully functional LMS and EHS Software, WAVE, which offers
safety training, incident management, record-keeping and more. Protect your
workplace and keep employees OSHA compliant. Just complete the form
below to get instant access.

Take WAVE for a Test Drive Today.

Try our User-Friendly System and Experience all
the Beneficial Features.

Hundreds of online employee development courses available

Create your own training with the Course Builder feature

Stay current with the most critical OSHA requirements

Thousands of additional training resources with The Safety Toolbox

Record keeping and incident management reporting

Don’t be Limited.

From training to record keeping, WAVE improves your scope.

Receive the latest topic updates, new feature alerts and known issue notifications straight from your dashboard.

Train employees with a robust library that covers all of your bases. Don’t see a topic you need? Create your own training courses in WAVE with our Course Builder feature using 100’s of PowerPoints, checklists and more.

Record employee training progress and scores, along with other important documentation. From near-misses to incident management reports and HR notes, keep all of your important information housed in your own portal.

Don’t get stuck with one avenue of training. Atlantic offers a blended approach to learning. You can choose to train employees utilizing online courses or hold instructor-led training with Streaming.

Get the added bonus of hundreds of additional safety training resources included in our Safety Toolbox! PowerPoints, checklists, infographics, toolbox talks and more will help improve your educational reach.

Pricing That Compliments Your Budget.

Everything you need with price points that you can agree with. Don’t overpay
for unnecessary features or a system that doesn’t improve your bottom line.

Drive Engagement with Your

Your training routine won’t fall flat with our up-to-date and robust course library.
Preview hundreds of online titles that will secure employees attention and
enhance the learning experience.

Manage Records and Documents.

The ability to track course progress, manage incident and near miss reports,
and document HR information is an important part of your safety and
employee development culture. WAVE allows you to do it all and upload
relevant documents for each record in the process.

Still Have Questions?

Get to know our Customer Service team! They won’t bite.
We don’t think...Call today or start your free trial below.