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First Aid Online Interactive Training English/Spanish

Interactive Training
50 minutes
Last Updated
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Course Description

This program has been updated. Please click HERE for fully updated course.

This training will orient you to the major categories of risk and types of first-aid, give you an overview of the supplies and equipment involved – including guidance on preparing your own first-aid kit, will help you know what to do before choosing to administer first-aid, and walks you through some of the steps for performing first-aid for common injuries and illnesses. We will also explore what to do if you find yourself without a kit but needing to administer first-aid, the legal considerations involved in emergency care, and the next steps you can take to better prepare yourself and others to administer first-aid.


The objective of Atlantic's First Aid” video Program is for employees to understand that basic first aid can often limit the severity of any type of injury, or even prevent a death.

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