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What are the Proper Eye and Face Protection to Wear

This 3 minute safety training video covers: What are the different types of eye wear, how side shields work, what are the special optical filter lenses, what safety glasses to wear in different work conditions, what are the importance of the manufacturer’s marking.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 26 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

On-the-job injuries affect all types of people doing all types of work. Each year over 570,000 workers are injured... at a cost to employers of over $100 billion annually. Government surveys show that the most common cause of workplace injuries today is due to employees not using proper PPE. Virtually everyone will experience one or more "on the job" injuries during their working life. In most cases appropriate equipment is readily available, yet employees do not recognize the need for this equipment, or take the time to use it.

Atlantic Training’s Personal Protective Equipment DVD program have been specifically created to assist facilities in complying with OSHA’s Standard on Personal Protective Equipment. Topics covered in these products include:

This Personal Protective Equipment Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

Your eyes and face can be injured by many things on the job; flying particles from shipping, grinding, sawing, hammering or other activities can damage the eye. Chemicals and harmful lights from welding or lasers can also cause injuries. Safety glasses have strong frames and impact resistant lenses and provide protection from the side with the use of side shields. Face shields are designed to cover the whole face and are made of plastic, since face shield protect against dust and splashes but not impact goggles or safety glasses should be worn underneath for added protection. Clean your eye and face protection often so that you can see further clearly.