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Maintaining Body Stability and Balance

This 3 minute safety training video covers: What is center of gravity, how center of gravity affects our balance, what are the other factors affecting the stability of our body, how to properly reach an object, how to safely use a ladder when reaching for an object, how to properly carry or lift things, how to maintain your balance.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

On-the-job injuries affect all types of people doing all types of work. Each year over 570,000 workers are injured... at a cost to employers of over $100 billion annually. Government surveys show that the most common cause of workplace injuries today is due to employees not using proper PPE. Virtually everyone will experience one or more "on the job" injuries during their working life. In most cases appropriate equipment is readily available, yet employees do not recognize the need for this equipment, or take the time to use it.

Atlantic Training’s Personal Protective Equipment DVD program have been specifically created to assist facilities in complying with OSHA’s Standard on Personal Protective Equipment. Topics covered in these products include:

This Personal Protective Equipment Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

Inappropriate or incorrect use of equipment like ladders and standing on chairs or tables for reaching objects are common injury risks and 100% avoidable. Use three points of contact when climbing; don’t reach too far from left or right. If you are carrying items from one place to another make sure you balance the weight of the loads so your footing will be stable. Do not carry large loads up or downstairs, breaks the load into smaller or manageable loads it might take more time but the effort is worth saving from a fall.