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How to Properly Report Workplace Harassment

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: What are the different types of workplace threats, how threats occur at work, what is the best way to eliminate threats, what are the serious violence will develop if threats are not reported, where to report workplace harassment, how employee assistance program (EAP) works. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Most of us cannot do our work without interacting with other people. Effective communication is usually part of the job, and cooperation can be essential. When interaction, communication and cooperation are hindered in some way the workplace can become "toxic" and threaten our sense of well-being. Feelings of stress, frustration and anger can boil to the surface. Attendance, productivity, quality and safety often suffer. When people hear the word "harassment" they usually think of sexually-related activity. But harassment encompasses a wide range of behavior… from practical jokes to intimidation. It can also include threats, verbal abuse and discrimination, even stalking and assault… and anyone can be subject to it.

Atlantic Training’s Workplace Harassment in Industrial Facilities Video or DVD discusses the various types of harassment that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help prevent workplace harassment. Topics covered in these products include:

Workplace Harassment in Industrial Facilities Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

When an employee comes to you with a harassment complaint you need to follow three important steps, take the compliant seriously, investigate promptly and follow up. Most people are uncomfortable or embarrassed to admit they’ve been harassed, in fact many employees will delay making a compliant hoping the situation will resolve itself. Because it takes a lot of courage for someone to come forward, it’s important to show them that they can trust you by taking their compliant seriously. When someone comes to you with a compliant listen carefully and don’t interrupt or offer opinions, be sure to ask if they have communicated their feelings or concerns to the other person. During the conversation take notes, ask questions to get all the facts and get the names of witnesses. Maintain as much confidentiality as possible but when investigating some information often needs to be shared.