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How To Resolve Conflicts in Industrial Settings

This 3 minute safety training video covers: How to verbally response in a confrontation, dealing with arguments and confrontations, why physical response is also important to a confrontation, how to react physically and prevent escalation, how to avoid violence during a confrontation.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Anytime two or more people come together, they will eventually disagree about something. While some conflict can be healthy, it is often an indication that there is something wrong. Conflict is frequently a "call to action"… a problem crying out for a solution.

The good news about conflict is that it is usually based on "caring". The more someone defends their point of view in an argument, the more they care. But if conflict is allowed to fester and grow without a resolution, it can lead to serious problems such as threats and even physical violence. The effectiveness of an entire organization can be harmed if conflict is allowed to escalate.

Atlantic Training’s Conflict Resolution in Industrial Facilities DVD program discuss the techniques and strategies that can be used to limit the damage and disruption conflict can cause in the workplace. They show employees that when difficult situations are dealt with in a calm and unemotional way, compromise and collaboration are possible… and a lot can be gained from resolving a conflict. Topics covered in these products include:

Conflict Resolution in Industrial Facilities DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

Communication skills, be respectful treat with others with respect and don’t judge. Be fair, beware of body language if you come relax and attentive, it help others to become relax and attentive too, listen don’t interrupt, paraphrase listen and understand, ask open-ended questions don’t interrogate. Every situation is different and every situation calls for flexibility but it also helps you to prepare in advance. Keep these guidelines in mind as you prepare your approach; anticipate reactions other persons reaction, greatest point of resistance, what’s in it for them, outline key phrases you want to say.