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Safety Matters: Active Shooter Preparedness

This 1 minute safety training video covers: How to respond if an active shooter is in the building, what to do if someone started shooting, how to report suspicious activity, learn the day to day preventive techniques, what to do if confronted by an active shooter, and how to protect your workforce if this nightmare becomes a reality. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 8 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Safety Matters: Active Shooter Preparedness addresses how to report suspicious activity as well as how to respond in an ASI by determining when it’s best to run, hide or fight. The course will conclude by mapping out what to expect and how to respond when law enforcement arrives at the scene. Topics covered in these products include:

Preparing for an ASISuspicious ActivityResponding to an ASI

Video Transcript

The clock is ticking, you decide, life or death. New from Dupont Sustainable Solutions - Safety Matters: Active Shooter Preparedness. 7 minutes of clear, concise training with the latest in learning signs featuring Dupont renowned instructions for these signs: Suspicious behavior, day to day preventive techniques, how to react if a nightmare becomes a reality. Safety Matters: Active Shooter Preparedness protects your workforce with real world practical solutions if the inevitable happens. The information employees need the way they wanted, eye opening, dynamic deliberate that can save lives. If confronted by an active shooter be prepared and know how to respond because safety matters.