Does OSHA require employees to receive hearing conservation training?
Yes. OSHA does not specifically mention hearing conservation training—however, they do mandate that companies have a "hearing conservation program", which is rather impossible to implement without a significant training section. OSHA requires employers to administer this hearing conservation program continuously in any occupation "whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels measured on the A scale (slow response) or, equivalently, a dose of 50 percent", according to 1910.95(c)(1). There are further specific program regulations for agricultural, construction, and maritime worksites.
Which employees are required to receive hearing conservation training per OSHA regulations?
Any and all employees who are exposed to noises at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels.
How often is refresher training required?
Refresher training must be conducted annually for every employee in the hearing conservation program. Information must furthermore be updated accordingly with changes in work processes and protective equipment.
Does OSHA require specific topics to be covered in hearing conservation training?
Yes. The minimum requirements of such a program are clearly stated: (1) monitoring; (2) audiometric testing; (3) hearing protection devices; (4) employee training and education; and (5) recordkeeping.
What are the annual audiograms and to whom must we provide them?
OSHA states that "at least annually after obtaining the baseline audiogram, the employer shall obtain a new audiogram for each employee exposed at or above an 8-hour TWA of 85 dBA", according to 1910.95(g)(6). The employer is required to provide these audiograms to an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician whose role is to review the audiograms and determine whether there is a need for further evaluation.
What requirements are there for recordkeeping (as a part of the hearing conservation training)?
Employers follow recordkeeping regulations [to track work-related injuries, illnesses, and their causes] so as to better recognize and correct workplace hazards. These recordkeeping regulations include: (1) employee exposure measurements (kept for 2 years); (2) audiometric test records (retained for the duration of the employee’s employment) which must include employee’s name and job classification, date of audiogram, examiner’s name, date of last acoustic/exhaustive calibration, and employee’s most recent noise exposure assessment; (3) access to records provided upon request to current and former employees, representatives designated by the employees, and OSHA; (4) transfer of records (to a successor employer).
Hearing Conservation Training Videos - Sample Clip
DVD cost effectively trains and retrains an unlimited amount of employees.
No trainer required, just pop in and play.
Video content keeps trainees engaged.
Very convenient, multiple employees don’t need to be pulled off the floor at once for a training session.
Includes both video content and an interactive quiz element to keep workers engaged.
More engaging than traditional training formats.
Can be customized to fit a companies specific work environment and equipment.
The only training option that can cover the "hands on" and "evaluation" portions of the training in addition to the "classroom" portion of the training.
Can be difficult to pull multiple workers off the floor at once to watch the video.
The DVD can get lost or scratched.
DVD can only train workers at a single location.
Due to the per person pricing format, it’s expensive for large companies that need to train hundreds or thousands of employees.
By far the most expensive training medium.
Administering refresher training as well as initial training for new employees can be a logistical nightmare.
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