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Wage and Hour Compliance (FLSA) Made Simple Training Course

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Stay compliant with updated overtime regulations and key aspects of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

9 minutes   |   SKU: ABCFLSA    |    Language(s): EN    |    Produced 2021








9 minutes

Training Objectives

Understand the key components of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Learn how to classify employees correctly under FLSA regulations
Know how to handle overtime, minimum wage, and tipped employee pay
Understand the rules surrounding child labor and independent contractors
Learn best practices for recordkeeping to ensure labor law compliance

Course Overview

The Department of Labor’s updated overtime regulations took effect in 2021, changing how organizations must manage employee classification, wages, and overtime. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which governs a wide array of labor practices including minimum wage, overtime, equal pay, child labor, and recordkeeping requirements. If you're responsible for payroll, HR, or management, understanding the FLSA is critical for staying compliant and avoiding costly fines.

The course dives into key topics such as how to properly classify employees as exempt or non-exempt, which directly impacts overtime eligibility. You'll also learn about specific rules for paying tipped employees, on-call employees, and independent contractors, as well as the importance of maintaining accurate records for labor compliance. Additionally, we cover child labor laws to ensure your business adheres to age-related regulations and provides a safe working environment for younger employees.

Non-compliance with FLSA regulations can lead to severe penalties, including hefty fines and legal actions. This course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to meet the Department of Labor’s standards, helping you avoid potential legal risks and maintain a fair, compliant workplace. Whether you're new to labor laws or looking for a refresher on the updated overtime regulations, this course has you covered.

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

What key law does the course focus on regarding labor regulations?

The course focuses on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which governs wages, overtime, child labor, and more.

What major changes to overtime regulations are covered in this course?

The course covers updates to the Department of Labor’s overtime regulations, which were implemented in 2021.

How does employee classification affect overtime eligibility?

Correctly classifying employees as exempt or non-exempt determines whether they are eligible for overtime pay.

What topics regarding employee pay are covered in the course?

Topics include minimum wage, paying tipped and on-call employees, and overtime regulations.

What are the potential consequences of non-compliance with the FLSA?

Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including fines and legal action against the organization.

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