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Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Online Course

Interactive Training
60 minutes

Course Description


This course introduces the oil spill responsibilities mandated in 40 CFR 112. It includes an explanation of the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) rule, and it teaches how to determine if the rule is applicable to a facility. The course also outlines the general requirements for an SPCC plan, including what needs to happen to prepare and implement a plan.

*Flash player may be required to play this course 

DISCLAIMER: this course does not track/score like other interactive courses. If you require one that does, please reach out to your representative. 


Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, you will be able to:
  • Explain how Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plans play a role in the EPA Oil Pollution Prevention regulation, define key terms in the regulation, identify who must comply with the regulation, and indicate how notifications and appeals work
  • Describe the SPCC plan, including the general requirements for a plan and how to prepare and implement a plan.
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