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Safe Driving Practices for CMV Drivers

Interactive Training
30 minutes

Course Description

Safe Driving Practices for CMV Drivers


This course, developed in conjunction with the experts from the Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), covers the Defensive Driving portion of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Accident Countermeasures Manual.

Employing defensive driving techniques makes every driver on the roadway safer. This course provides driving tips and maintenance checks to help CMV drivers use defensive driving techniques while operating CMVs.

*Flash player may be required to play this course

DISCLAIMER: this course does not track/score like other interactive courses. If you require one that does, please reach out to your representative.  


Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Avoid accidents that commonly occur during start-up/back-up procedures, when parking, while negotiating intersections and establishing right-of-way, and while negotiating curves and downgrades and making turns
  • Avoid accidents that commonly occur while using and changing lanes, passing other vehicles on the road, interacting with pedestrians and passengers, and while driving in adverse conditions, and to recognize the equipment available and procedures to follow in an emergency situation.
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