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Managing Safety and Health Online Course

Interactive Training
120 minutes

Course Description

Managing Safety and Health Online Course


All levels of an organization, from the top management team through the entire organization of the work force, should actively participate in their Safety and Health Program. The priorities in a good Safety and Health culture include positive attitudes, safe behaviors, accountability, and continuous improvement. The resulting benefits of this type of safety culture can be seen in fewer risky behaviors, reduced numbers of accidents and incidents, better protection for employees’ health and safety, and an improved financial bottom-line.

*Flash player may be required to play this course 

DISCLAIMER: this course does not track/score like other interactive courses. If you require one that does, please reach out to your representative. 


Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the direct and indirect costs of accidents in the workplace, the direct and indirect benefits of accident prevention, and the basic elements and benefits of a strong safety and health culture
  • Recognize the actions supervisors and employees take to contribute to a safe and healthy workplace and recognize the steps involved in a worksite analysis
  • Outline the methods for controlling and preventing hazards, and evaluating a good safety and health program
  • Identify how training, positive attitudes toward safety, and strategic planning contribute to a safe and healthy workplace.
Digital Formats
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