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Introduction to OSHA: General Industry and Construction Training Course

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This training will provide an introduction to OSHA's mission, standards, and covered rights and responsibilities.

12 minutes   |   SKU: AT092    |    Language(s): EN / ES / FR    |    Produced 2024




EN / ES / FR




12 minutes

Training Objectives

Explain the safety standards enforced by OSHA
Identify the responsibilities of employers
Describe the rights employees have under OSHA
Describe the steps in reporting OSHA violations

Course Overview

Anyone working in the private sector needs to be familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and how its guidelines affect both employers and employees. OSHA was founded under the OSH Act of 1970 and provides standards to workplaces to ensure the health and safety of their workers. The purpose of OSHA is to create and enforce these standards. The mission of OSHA is to save lives, prevent injuries, and require employers to provide a hazard-free workplace. OSHA also requires employers to follow certain responsibilities in meeting the standards.

The standards set forth by OSHA include, but are not limited to, guidance on preventing falls, providing personal protective equipment (PPE), mitigating noise, and information on the safe handling of chemicals. OSHA requires employers to comply with all these standards. In doing so, they must also provide required training to all workers, keep records of work-related injuries and illnesses and report them to OSHA, and provide employees with medical exams and any relevant records. In addition, necessary PPE must be paid for and provided to all workers by the employer. Examples of PPE include safety helmets, goggles, and ear protection. Employers must also abide by the rights given to employees by OSHA.

OSHA gives employees specific rights as well. Workers have the right to a safe workplace and to be informed about any hazardous conditions that do exist. They also have the right to request information about any work-related illness and injury records. Should a hazardous situation be observed, workers have the right to file a formal complaint with OSHA without any retaliation from their employer. Finally, workers may participate in any OSHA inspection of the facility. 

This course will provide you with the information you need to be informed about OSHA and its rights and associated responsibilities. Being informed about how OSHA operates helps everyone be safe and healthy every day at work!

This program is available with Spanish and French closed captions.

Compliance Standards & Regulations

This course references the standards and regulations listed below.

29 CFR 1910, 1926, and 1928

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

What is the purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is tasked with developing and enforcing standards for health and safety in the workplace. Its mission is to help prevent injuries, save lives, and protect the health of workers.

Can employees report possible violations directly to OSHA?

Yes, employees have the right to report hazardous conditions to OSHA by phone, email, online form, or in person.

Are employers required to provide certain PPE to workers?

Yes, it is the responsibility of the employer to pay for and provide certain PPE needed to be safe in the workplace. Some examples of this PPE are noise protection, eye protection, safety helmets, and protection from chemicals.

Can employers retaliate against workers who file complaints with OSHA regarding hazardous workplace conditions?

No, employees have the liberty to exercise their safety and health rights without any retribution from their employer including reduction of hours or wages, threats, or dismissal termination.

Who is covered under OSHA?

OSHA covers all private sector businesses in the United States and government workers in 22 states under OSHA-approved programs. OSHA does not cover workers who are self-employed, family members working on a farm that doesn’t employ other people, or those workplaces covered under another agency like the Coast Guard or the Department of Transportation.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is subject to change and is for promotional and informational purposes only. Prior to acting on the information contained on this page, verify all information against the latest OSHA and applicable standards, regulations, and guidelines. Please also contact us with any questions you have related to this information. Under no circumstances will Atlantic Training, LLC be held responsible for direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental injuries or damages, or any damages or injuries whatsoever, whether resulting from contract, negligence, or other torts, related to the utilization of this information or the contents of this page. Atlantic Training retains the right to incorporate, remove, or adjust the contents on this page without prior notice.