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Hydrogen Sulfide for General Industry Online Training

Interactive Training

Course Description

Hydrogen Sulfide for General Industry - Online Course

Teaches employees about the hazards of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), detection methods, and best responses to H2S exposure and release.

  • Topics covered by Hydrogen Sulfide for General Industry include:
    • Understanding the Dangers
      • What is H2S
      • H2S in the Environment
      • Dangerous Properties
      • Sources of Exposure
      • Who May Be Exposed
      • Exposure Routes
      • Health Effects
    • Exposure Regulations
      • Training Requirements
      • Exposure Limits
      • API Classifications
      • Regulations for Visitors
    • General Protection
      • Evaluate Exposure
      • Control Exposure
      • Metal Fatigue
      • Burning, Flaring, & Venting
      • Confined Spaces
    • Personal Protection
      • Respiratory PPE
      • Special PPE Considerations
      • PPE Maintenance & Inspection
    • Your Escape Route
      • Make a Prediction
      • Wind Direction
      • Elevation
    • H2S Emergencies
      • Emergency Action Plans
      • Emergency Response Procedures
      • Fighting Fires
      • First Aid
      • Treatment & Post-Exposure
Intended Audience: Employees who work with or around hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Workers who have the potential to be exposed to H2S in excess of ACGIH's Threshold Limit Values

Length: 75 minutes

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