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Fire Extinguisher 2000 (Law Enforcement/Fire/Security) Training Course

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Learn proper fire extinguisher use.

13 minutes   |   SKU: 21001A    |    Language(s): EN    |    Added 2019







13 minutes

Training Objectives

Respond to and control small fires effectively
Identify fire extinguisher types and applications
Master fire extinguisher handling and operation
Maintain and inspect fire extinguishers regularly

Course Overview

Fire Extinguisher 2000 (Long Version)  program discusses the Classes of fires and the proper chemicals used to extinguish them in a safe manner. We cannot possibly cover all aspects of extinguishing agents and fire prevention in this program but the information will help you become more familiar with extinguishers, fire prevention and a better understanding of emergency action in the event of a fire. The objective of the training is to save lives and property in that order. Always remember that life safety is much more important than property. If you can't extinguish a fire safely, call the fire department and let them handle the situation. In the event of a small fire, call the fire department anyway because small fires can quickly get out of hand and seconds count in the fire fighting business. Fire extinguishers are not designed to fight a large or spreading fire and even against small fires, extinguishers are useful only under the right conditions.

Runtime: 13 Min.

  • Program Outline
  • Background
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Classes of Fire Extinguishers
  • Fire Prevention
  • Fire Extinguisher Use
  • Summary

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