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DOT Safety: Hazardous Materials Security Training Course

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This training helps you understand the responsibilities for the security and effective, secure transport of HAZMAT materials.

16 minutes   |   SKU: AT146    |    Language(s): EN / ES / FR    |    Produced 2025




EN / ES / FR




16 minutes

Training Objectives

Build a frame of reference for understanding hazmat security responsibilities
Learn the key components of an effective hazmat security plan
Develop and train employees responsible for hazmat security
Understand the risks with hazmat security as well as regulatory requirements

Course Overview

Whether you’re transporting or handling hazardous materials, there’s one key element that should always be on your mind: security. Materials like chemicals, explosives, and biological agents—or any other substances that pose risks to human health or the environment—can present all sorts of security risks. If you don’t handle these hazardous materials properly, their misuse can result in accidents, health risks, and environmental damage.

That’s why it’s so important to adhere to Department of Transportation (DOT) guidance to ensure every step of your transportation process is both secure and well-managed. This will include assessing all security risks for hazardous materials to be transported, and then determining ways to address those risks all along the network – from personnel security, to preventing unauthorized access, and of course en route security.

In DOT Safety: Hazardous Materials Security, you’ll learn how to identify and mitigate the risks associated with handling and transporting dangerous substances. This course goes beyond basic safety protocols, focusing on the unique security challenges posed by hazardous materials like chemicals, explosives, biological agents, radioactive substances, and flammable or corrosive materials. You’ll explore some of the regulatory requirements for preventing theft, sabotage, and accidents during the transportation and storage of these items, ensuring their safe handling at every step.

Throughout the course, we’ll cover the specific guidelines set forth by the Department of Transportation (DOT), focusing on secure containment, training, and regulatory compliance for different types of hazardous materials. You’ll gain practical knowledge on how to manage the inherent risks of hazmat security, from explosive substances requiring careful packaging to toxic chemicals that demand strict safety measures.

Hazardous Materials Security emphasizes a comprehensive, proactive approach to safety. You’ll learn not only how to meet regulatory standards but also how to develop a company culture that prioritizes effective training and planning. Through this course, you'll develop a thorough understanding of the essential security measures and emergency protocols that are crucial in preventing accidents and managing the safety and security of hazmats in transit.

This program is available with Spanish and French closed captions.

Compliance Standards & Regulations

This course references the standards and regulations listed below.

49 CFR Parts 172, 173, 390-397

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

Will this course teach me about labeling hazmat containers?

This course addresses hazmat not in specific but in general, especially in regards to the security plans the regulations require you to have in place if you transport any number of tightly regulated hazardous materials.

Will this course teach me about developing a security plan?

Yes; in addition to addressing who needs to be trained to handle hazmat security, this course will detail the specifics of what the U.S. Code requires from your security plans, from developing the plans themselves to understanding which roles have to be elucidated in a written security plan.

What kind of information does the course cover?

Although the course includes a few statistics about hazardous materials security, it’s also concerned with the regulatory environment you need to navigate if you’re going to work to maintain the best security possible for hazmat in transit.

What types of insights can I expect from the course?

You’ll gain insight into ongoing employee training for hazmat security, a deeper knowledge of which types of materials will require higher hazardous materials security standards, and the current code of regulations that outlines what you’ll need to do to maintain those standards.

Will this course guarantee that I never have a security issue?

No; there is always a risk involved. However, this course will help you understand the training and policy requirements you have to hit to maximize your chances at effective hazardous materials security. It will also help you understand the regulatory framework governing hazmat security.

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