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Connecticut 2-Hour Non-Supervisor Sexual Harassment Training Course

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Comply with Connecticut's "Times Up" Act with our comprehensive sexual harassment training course.

96 minutes   |   SKU: ABCCT-NS    |    Language(s): EN / ES    |    Produced 2020








96 minutes

Training Objectives

Understand sexual harassment laws in Connecticut and federal regulations
Recognize signs of workplace retaliation and its consequences
Gain insights from landmark cases like Faragher Vs. City of Baton Raton
Familiarize with federal EEO laws, including pregnancy, religion, and disability
Develop bystander intervention skills to prevent & address harassment incidents

Course Overview

Stay ahead of Connecticut's legal requirements with our newly developed sexual harassment training course. Since the enactment of the "Times Up" Act in 2019, it's mandatory for all businesses with three or more employees to provide two hours of sexual harassment training, including an interactive component. Our course is meticulously designed to cover every aspect mandated by Connecticut law, ensuring compliance while simplifying complex topics into 12 easily digestible sections.

Participants will delve into the specifics of sexual harassment in Connecticut, gaining insights into federal harassment laws and the implications of workplace retaliation. Real-life case studies, including Faragher Vs. City of Baton Raton, provide context and deepen understanding. Additionally, the course explores federal EEO laws, addressing important areas such as pregnancy, religion, disability, and age discrimination in the workplace.

Our interactive approach incorporates scenarios and exercises to reinforce learning, empowering employees to recognize and address instances of sexual harassment effectively. Bystander intervention techniques are emphasized to cultivate a supportive workplace culture, while dedicated sections on workplace bullying prevention and fostering respect, tolerance, and diversity contribute to a harmonious work environment.

By completing this course, employees not only fulfill their legal obligations but also contribute to creating a safer, more inclusive workplace where everyone feels respected and valued.

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

What legislation in Connecticut mandates sexual harassment training for employees?

The "Times Up" Act, signed by Governor Ned Lamont in 2019.

How many hours of training are required for businesses with three or more employees?

Two hours, including an interactive component.

What is the significance of the Faragher Vs. City of Baton Raton case?

It provides context and insights into sexual harassment laws.

Besides sexual harassment, what other topics does the course cover?

Workplace retaliation, federal EEO laws, pregnancy, religion, disability, and age discrimination.

What skills do participants develop regarding workplace culture?

Bystander intervention, workplace bullying prevention, and fostering respect, tolerance, and diversity.

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