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September 22, 2012

Car Safety Infographic: The Impact of the Electric Car

Globally we are people on the move. Transportation accounts for 20% of the worlds energy use. Electric cars can be viewed as having an advantage though the risk may outweigh the benefits. Electric or EV’s aren’t just fun to drive, they negate the need for gasoline, are simple, fast and don’t have complex machinations like gearboxes or transmissions. Small motors and simple charging make them fast and ready to drive. There is low environmental impact and costs as well since CO2 emissions are reduced.

Electric cars are limited by driving range as well as the cost to own one. Over 75% of people worry they won’t be able to drive as far as they’d like or need with an electric car. They don’t want to be stuck somewhere without a charging station. They are costly to own and batteries are not a cheap replacement item when compared with standard car maintenance. Some also wonder the impact electricity costs may have when the whole neighborhood is all plugging their cars. With the use of driving safety training educating drivers is important.

The infographic illustrates the impact of electric cars not only on the economy but on the environment as well while breaking down the cost comparison.

• Less than 1% of all cars sold are electric and about 7% of the targeted goal of one million electric vehicles driven by 2015. • High profiled government investment in electronic vehicles, billions of dollars along with tax subsidies to buyers. Given the investment costs remain extremely high. • Lower cost predictions for batteries and rising gas prices may help bring down the total cost of the vehicle. • The impact on the environment provides reduction in CO2 emissions, however if the 2015 goal is met it will only be a reduction in the U.S. CO2 emissions by 0.034%. • Los Angeles is leading the way as far as Americans choosing to drive electric cars.

Many are finding dot training videos helpful in this vehicle revolution. If the goal by 2015 is to have one million electric cars on U.S. roads, the impact of electric cars and the advantages will be more greater. Understanding the consumer and their needs and realizing the cost of electric cars will go a long way in reaching that goal.

Car Infographics: Impact of Electric Car -
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