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 Online Training
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Interactive Browse Library
Streaming Browse Library
DVD/USB Browse Library
Atlantic Training VideoYesYesYes
Technical SupportYesYesYes
Quiz/Answer KeyYesYesYes
Leader’s GuideYesYesYes
Spanish VersionYesYesYes
HR & OSHA TopicsYesYesYes
# of Courses300+300+1
Free SetupYesYes 
Customization Options *YesYes 
Delivery MethodOur LMS or SCORM 1.2 in yoursOur LMS 
Licensing Term1-3 Years **1 Year 
Unique Login Per UserYesSingle 
Record KeepingYes  
Certificate of CompletionYes  
Helpful Admin. Tools ***Yes  
Incident ReportingYes  
Track Classroom TrainingYes  
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** Discount on 2-3 year terms available!
*** Groups, enrollments, reporting & more!