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Facility-Wide Emergency Planning and Preparedness

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: What is the important part of an emergency action plan, what are the other information in emergency plan, what are the proper procedures and routes when evacuating, what are the possibilities of terrorists activity, how to prevent terrorist attacks in the workplace, what is the impact of terrorism in workplace, what is fire and explosion planning matrix, how to use the matrix system effectively, what are the different risk factors in a facility. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Existing OSHA, SARA Title III, and numerous state regulations call for all facilities to meet a number of Emergency Preparedness/Crisis Management requirements. These include:

Atlantic Training’s "Emergency Planning" training program assists facilities in complying with these regulations and help them prepare for potential emergency situations.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

No one expect of disaster yet they can strike anywhere, anytime and to anyone. Every year disasters and emergencies take their toll in lives and dollars. The time to prepare for disaster is before it happens. Careful planning saves lives, limit injuries and controls damage while returning businesses to normal operations more quickly. A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens you or your co-workers, disrupts or shut down your site or causes physical or environmental damage. Careful planning is the key to disaster readiness. The foundation for your site to response to a disaster is the emergency action plan. The plan details actions you and your employer must take to ensure your safety in an emergency situation such as a disaster. Untrained and unplanned response to an emergency can result in an injury, property loss or death.