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Working with Aerial Lifts Safely

This 1 minute safety training video covers: How to safely work within the vicinity of a lift, what are the possible hazards when working around the lifts, how important is a ppe around working lifts, how to be aware of a lift’s blind spot, importance of following lift’s safe driving procedures, how to avoid reckless driving.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 16 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Reaching high places can be challenging in many work environments. But whether they’re on a construction site, changing light bulbs in a warehouse, or performing outdoor utility work, employees often use aerial lifts to help them access work areas that would otherwise be almost impossible to get to.

Atlantic Training’s Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments Training DVD program reviews the various types of aerial lifts, makes employees aware of the hazards that are associated with these lifts, and gives them the information that they’ll need to work safely… whether they’re using a lift or working around one.

Topics covered in the program include:

Video Transcript

Before worker is authorized to use a lift they must receive a training from a qualified person because aerial lift designs are vary. This training covers the operations, safety features and limitation of a specific model the worker will be using. Before climbing up onto a lift several factors must be taken into a consideration to ensure safe operation. Every aerial lift requires the use of fall protection the type you will need depends on a lift you are using. When using most standard type of aerial lift such as bucket trucks and boom lifts a personal fall restrain system is required this consists of body belt or harness and a two foot lanyard. This prevent a fall from occurring by keeping the person inside of the bucket.