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What are the Proper Procedures for Chemical Storage and Labeling

This 4 minutes safety training video covers: What is the importance of proper chemical storage, how to handle flammable materials safely, how to properly use compressed gas cylinders, how to label chemical containers correctly, managing the risks of chemical hazards, what to do in case of a laboratory accident, how to deal with chemical spills safely. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 11 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Atlantic Training’s Orientation to Laboratory Safety Training DVD program shows both new employees and "seasoned veterans" the importance of safety in the laboratory... as well as reviews the OSHA regulations and good safety practices that apply to laboratory environments.

Orientation to Laboratory Safety Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

Storing a hazardous liquids at or below eye level depending on container size. Large containers go on lower shelves to a separate cabinet. Laboratory is one of the worst violators of chemical storage precautions. It’s not unusual to find open containers, mixed storage of incompatible chemicals, poorly labeled or old outdated chemicals. Plan every operations and experiment with safety regulatory compliance in mind. Today every chemical is regulated from purchased to processing to final waste disposal. Before you begin check your facility chemical hygiene plan, to learn what is required and how you will stay safe. When you buy chemicals, remember that less is better. Purchase only what you need for immediate use. Put the date of purchased on every container before you store them. Generally, 2 to 3 years is the maximum storage time. Clean out all chemicals regularly and disposed them properly.