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What are the Elements of an Effective I2P2

This 3 minutes safety training video covers: What are the management responsibilities with regards to workplace safety, who are involved in implementation of I2P2, what are the safe work procedures that are developed to reduce hazards, what is the key to make your workplace safer.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 20 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Every day 12 workers die on the job, and more than 10,000 workers suffer serious job-related injuries. But the real tragedy is that most of these incidents could be prevented. Employers and employees can work together to find and fix the hazards in their workplace, before people get sick, injured or even killed.

The process begins when a company decides to strengthen its safety culture by adopting an Injury and Illness Prevention Program, known within OSHA as I2P2.

Atlantic Training’s "I2P2: Injury and Illness Prevention" training program provides employees with important information on how this organized approach to workplace safety can significantly reduce accidents and injuries, and how the workers themselves can play a major role in making the program work.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

In a workplace, everyone has different roles and responsibilities, knowing your role will make you an effective part of the safety team. Some responsibilities of supervisors or team leaders, making sure employees are properly trained and qualified for the job their doing. Establishing correct work practices, this may include developing, revising and updating your facility standard operating procedures or SOP. Making sure proper tools and equipment are available to employees. Surveying the job site to identify and eliminate safety hazards as much as possible. Evaluating and addressing employee awareness of hazards and safety attitudes. Using proper coaching and counseling techniques to correct unsafe behavior and reward safe behavior.