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What are the Different Classes of Fires

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: How to identify different types of burning materials, how to distinguish different classes of fires, what does Class A fires consist of, which class of fires consists of flammable gases and liquids, what are the extinguishing agents of Class C fires, what are Class D fires.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 22 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Atlantic’s Industrial Fire Prevention" training program looks at the fire hazards that can be encountered in industrial environments, discusses how fires can be prevented, and explains what employees should do in case a fire emergency occurs in their workplace.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

You need to know the classes of fires because you can’t use the same methods to put out different types of fires. If you ever seen a grease fire you probably know that throwing water on it will only make it worst and throwing water on an electrical fire will probably result in electrocution. The most common type of fire is called a Class A fire, ordinary combustibles like wood, paper and textiles are the fuel for Class A fires, water is the great way to put out a Class A fire. Class B fires occur when liquid or gases ignite a gasoline or propane fire is a type of Class B fire, these types of fires often will cause an explosion. When fire starts is a result of electrical equipment they are called Class C fires a frayed wire, a short circuit or an overloaded wall outlet can lead to Class C fires. When a fuel of a fire is a combustible metal is called a Class D fire. These fires is less common in everyday life but they still happen, metal like magnesium, titanium and sodium are common fuels for Class D fires.