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Ways to Avoid Being Accused of Sexual Harassment

This 1 minute safety training video covers: What are some of the gestures or actions that can lead to harassment, what is the importance of avoiding unnecessary physical contact with other employees, what are the problems when employees are dating, why many employers discourage or even forbid their employees from dating co-workers.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Sexual harassment can be devastating for its victims as well as for the companies they work for. It’s also illegal. But the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission still receives more than 10,000 sexual harassment complaints from U.S. workers every year.

The first in a three-part series on sexual harassment in the workplace, Atlantic Training’s "Preventing Sexual Harassment… for Employees" training program provides employees with the information they need to help prevent sexual harassment in their workplace and deal with it effectively if it does occur.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

In case of sexual harassment it is the perception of the victim or the accuser that takes precedent in the court of law over the intention of the person accused. The courts have to determine if the perception of the victim are reasonable. This is often referred to us as reasonable woman or reasonable person standard, even when an employee or supervisors intentions are totally innocent the possibility exists that his or her action could be reasonably perceived to sexual harassment. Hostile environment sexual harassment is any sexually oriented and unwelcomed behavior that causes psychological discomforts and interferes with the employee’s ability to carry out his or her job responsibilities.