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Safety Guidelines When Working in Hot Environments

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: How the body regulates heat, what regulates your body temperature, why does sweat lower body temperature, how blood works in our body, how to maintain proper fluid levels in our body, how to avoid dehydration in the workplace, how does alcohol affect your body after, what are the adverse effects of medicine. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 13 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Any time workers get hot and sweaty, they’re feeling "heat stress". The hotter they get, the more likely heat stress is to affect their health. And if employees get overheated enough to develop heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke, the effect on them can be serious, even fatal.

Atlantic Training’s Heat Stress Training DVD program discuss the hazards of getting overheated, how employees can avoid heat-related illnesses and what they should do if a coworker suffers from heat stress.

All of the products... the new "Micro-Learning" and full-length online courses as well as the DVDs and interactive CD courses... discuss topics that are integral to employees" understanding of these issues.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

The best way to minimize this potential safety and health problems is to understand the physical stresses place on your body by the hot environment. To recognize the symptoms of heat stress disorders and to take the proper precautions to lessen or eliminate these stresses. As the blood circulates through your body it absorbs the heat generated by muscles and operating organs, blood is then pump in the surface of the skin where it is cool by the body temperature. If this process is not sufficient to keep your body of its ideal operating temperature, the brain signals the sweat glands that pour out sweat. As the sweat evaporates the skin is cooled which in turn lowers the temperature of the blood.