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How to Protect Yourself from Ergonomic Injuries

This 3 minutes safety training video covers: How to prevent ergonomic hazards, what are the different types of ergonomic hazards, what to do when you’re working in an awkward position, what is ergonomic hazard, what to do to avoid repetitive motion while working, what are the two types of grips your hands can make with hand tools. Click here to watch the 16 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Our hands, wrists and fingers are valuable tools… the most valuable we’ll ever own. Whether we’re completing a project at work or playing catch with the kids…our hands are involved in just about everything we do. In fact, we use our hands so much that they are exposed to a multitude of hazards. Throughout the day our hands can encounter hazards such as:

If these types of hazards go unchecked, they can cause real problems. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that we can protect and care for our hands.

These Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety in Construction Safety Videos discuss the various types of activities employees can engage in where their hands, wrists and fingers can be subject to injury, and what they can do to avoid hazards and protect their hands.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

Ergonomic hazards often don’t cause injuries right away, but can result in significant damage over the long term. They can end up causing painful and debilitating conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Repetitive Motion Syndrome and Tendinitis. All of which can affect the hands, wrists and fingers. To prevent this injuries you need to avoid things such as Repetitive Motion, working in awkward positions and applying excessive force either manually or with a tool. Repetitive motion involves making the same movements over and over again without a break.