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Personal Protective Equipment

This 3 minute safety training video covers: What is ppe, how important is ppe, how can maintenance and good selection of ppe can help,why it is important to inspect your electrical ppe for flaws, can a defective ppe can still be use or repair. Click here to watch the 15 minute full length version.

Thinking about safety should be as natural as thinking about other aspects of the job. Employees need to think about the possibility of accidents before they happen. Accidents cause millions of people to suffer painful injuries every year, and cost business almost $90 billion per year in medical bills, lost wages and lost production time.

Atlantic Training’s "Safety Orientation" video/DVD training program addresses two of the most prominent safety issues confronting employers today, that of developing a good "safety attitude" in their well as providing "introductory safety training".

Areas covered in the program include:

Video Transcript

Looking out for protential problems and reducing risks can help us to prevent accidents but there’s more to equation, gloves, shoes and other personal protective equipment,often necessary to help keep us out of danger.