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How to Safely Treat Strains, Sprains, Breaks, Fractures, and Shock

This 3 minute safety training video covers: What can cause strains and sprains, how to prevent strains and sprains, appropriate first aid when you "pull" a muscle, two types of fractures, what to do if someone has a "simple" break, how to safely treat a broken arm, how to safely apply a splint to the break, how to safely treat a "compound" fracture, how to protect yourself around accidents where there’s a blood and how to give immediate comfort to a shock victim. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 16 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

When an employee is injured or becomes ill, their coworkers will usually be the first ones "on the scene" and have the opportunity to provide some initial treatment. In these situations, they need to be able to recognize common injuries and illnesses and understand how to treat them.

Atlantic’s training program on "First Aid" discuss what employees should do and not do when someone is sick or injured, and how to determine when they should call for emergency assistance.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

Often, it’s difficult to tell whether a bone related injury is a fracture, dislocation, or strain. Fractures are breaks in the bone.Dislocations are bones that separates or displaced from their normal position of their joint. Strains are tears from the ligament, tendon, or other tissues at the joint. There are few sure signs of a broken bone. Some fractures are classified as open, meaning the bone has pierce the skin and caused bleeding. You have to care for the bleeding as well as the broken bone. Some fractures are classified as closed, meaning they are underneath the skin. These are more difficult to diagnose. However there are a few sure signs of a broken bone. The victim felt the bone snap, the victim felt a bone ends rubbing together, and the area of the injury are obviously deformed. If you are unsure, treat the injury as a fracture.