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How to Safely Lift an Object Below the Waist

This 3 minutes safety training video covers: What are the safe procedures when lifting from below the waist, what should be the proper posture when carrying a load, what is the right way to turn a corner, how to properly put an object down, what is the use of back belts. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 18 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Atlantic Training’s Safe Lifting Training DVD program provide the information employees need to protect their backs when they are lifting and carrying. Topics covered in these products include:

Safe Lifting Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

For lower loads, drop to one knee and lift the load to balance on your other knee, pause adjust your grip and lift to standing holding the load as close as to your body as possible. If you have to turn aim one foot toward your destination and use your feet not your waist to pivot or walk out to turn. Set the load down in one slow movement, jerking movements can pull muscles in your lower back. Think of yourself as an industrial gymnast, plan and balance every move.