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How to Safely Combat Asbestos Exposure

This 2 minute safety training video covers: What is asbestos and why is it called "silent killer", characteristics of asbestos, what are the effects of long-term asbestos exposure, what are the hazards of asbestos, how to be properly trained to work safely with asbestos, what are asbestos fibers special qualities, other asbestos interesting qualities and uses of asbestos. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 22 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

OSHA’s regulation 29 CFR 1910.1101... "Occupational Exposure to Asbestos" requires that all employees who could come into contact with materials that might contain asbestos be given appropriate training on working safely in these situations. Employees are divided into four classes. Classes I - III are employees whose work involves "installing" or "disturbing" materials that might contain asbestos. However, the largest group of employees covered by this regulation fall into the Class IV group, which involves employees that get involved in... "maintenance and custodial activities to clean up waste and debris containing these type of materials."

Since many materials commonly used in buildings for many years (including ceiling tiles, vinyl flooring, and wall and pipe insulation) contain asbestos, this means that the regulation applies to virtually every custodial, janitorial and maintenance worker in the country.

Atlantic Training’s Asbestos Training Video and Awareness program has been created specifically to educate employees about the dangers of working with materials that may contain asbestos.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

Asbestos is the general name for a family of naturally occuring fibers minerals that are mine throughout the world. These fibers are strong, flexible and fire resistant. They can be useful in a number of application. Asbestos can be dangerous if fibers break loose and are allowed to float freely in the air. Once inhaled they can largen the lungs were they stay for years and may cause chronic lung disease or cancer. To protect you from asbestos hazards on the job, OSHA, developed federal standard for occupational exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is regulated by OSHA and the EPA. About 95% of the asbestos use in the United States is chrysotile or white asbestos, Amosite - brown asbestos and Crocidolite - blue asbestos make up most of the rest.