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How Our Hands Work

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: Understanding our hand’s design and structure, how our hands can get hurt on the job, how delicate our hands can be, how vulnerable our hands to stresses and strains, how to keep our hand, wrist and finger safe. Click here to watch the 9 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Employees" hands are their most valuable tools. Every day their hands, wrists, and fingers are exposed to many different hazards, including cuts, bruises, burns and crushing injuries. Ergonomic stresses can also damage them severely over time. But this doesn’t have to happen.

Atlantic’s training products on "Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety" review the hand, wrist and finger hazards that employees may encounter in their workplace, and show them the equipment and safe work practices they can use to prevent injuries.

All of the products... the new "Micro-Learning" and full-length online courses as well as the DVDs and interactive CD courses... discuss topics that are integral to employees" understanding of these issues.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

All of the tissues in the hand are close to the surface, the bones in them are small, and their joints can be complex. Yet because we use them for so many things, it can be easy to forget how delicate our hands can be. Just hitting your thumb with a hammer can injure skin, nerves, connected tissue, and the bone. In fact, a single traumatic mistake like this can affect your hands seriously, even permanently. But our hands are also vulnerable to stresses and strains that can cause injuries gradually, over long periods of time. These are called ergonomic hazards. The risk for example is in ergonomic weak spot. So, placing extra strain on the wrist can damage all of these over time. To keep our hands, wrist and finger safe, we need to watchout for ergonomic hazards that can hurt us, as well as for the hazards that can cause traumatic injuries.