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Heart-Related Emergencies And AEDs

This 3 minute safety training video covers: what to do when a person’s pulse is erratic, what is AED, how to properly perform AED, how a "sudden cardiac arrest occurs, causes of "sudden cardiac arrest", when and how to perform CPR and two forms of CPR. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 16 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Atlantic Training’s "First Aid" DVD Program shows employees that knowing basic first aid can often limit the severity of any type of injury, or even prevent a death. In most facilities, not a day goes by without some type of injury occurring. It can be as serious as a chemical burn, or as minor as a small cut. But any injury can be painful and affect an employee’s work performance... as well as their life off the job.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

If the person’s pulse is erratic, or they have no pulse at all, they may be in "sudden cardiac arrest" and in danger of dying. That’s where AEDs (automated externaldefibrillators) and CPR come in. There are 220,000 occurrences of "sudden cardiac arrest" each year, about 10,000 of them "on the job". Studies show that if a victim has to wait for emergency medical personnel to arrive before they are treated, there is only a 5-7% survival rate. However, with immediate treatment (called "defibrillation") up to 60% of cardiac arrest victims can survive. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s normal rhythm is interrupted or it stops beating altogether. Causes include: Heart attack, electrocution and asphyxiation. If you are trained in using an AED and one is readily available, in these situations you can literally save a life. AEDs are designed to analyze the heart’s rhythm and deliver an electric shock to restore it to normal.