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Emergency Evacuation Procedures in the Workplace

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: What are the benefits of a full scale exercise, how to properly shut down production equipment, how to work safely around hazardous materials during an emergency, why is it important to keep emergency exits clear, how to implement emergency alternate routes, what to do during an emergency.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Existing OSHA, SARA Title III, and numerous state regulations call for all facilities to meet a number of Emergency Preparedness/Crisis Management requirements. These include:

Atlantic Training’s "Emergency Planning" training program assists facilities in complying with these regulations and help them prepare for potential emergency situations.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

Being able to calmly and quickly evacuate a building or area is one of the most important responsibilities. Your facility conducts training and drills so you can practice evacuation procedures, but when the alarm sounds it’s up to you to put knowledge to work. Know the floor plan and area layout in every department where you work. Learn primary and secondary exit from each location. Learn where you should meet once you to get outside or inside if you shelter in place at the safe evacuation assembly area. To be prepared for an emergency know how to sound an alarm even you is the first to spot it. You must also know how to report the emergency and describe the location. The sound of an emergency alarm means one thing, evacuate the building or shelter in place don’t stop to gather your belongings, don’t put your work away, don’t stop to find out if it’s a false alarm unless you have special duties in an emergency and emergency alarm means leave the area immediately.