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Electrical Emergencies and Rescue Techniques

This 2 minutes safety training video covers: How to prevent electrical hazards, what to do in an electrical emergency, what can cause electrical fire, what are the safety tips when electrical hazards occur, what is the right type of fire extinguisher to use in an electrical fires, what are the first aid procedures for electrical accidents.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 12 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Today, laboratories rely on a vast array of electrically powered equipment. To work safely with this equipment, employees need to understand how electricity works, be aware of common electrical hazards and know how to use electricity safely.

Atlantic Training’s "Electrical Safety in the Laboratory" training video program emphasizes the need for safety when using electricity, and discuss how to reduce the potential for accidents involving electrical shock, fire and explosions. Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

Even cases of mild electric shock your first step, is to notify your supervisor. This reporting may mean the same accident won’t be repeated in the future. Anyone who receive electric shock should seat down, check for normal muscle movement and for loss of feeling, check pulse rate and breathing. When everything is normal, the shock is probably mild with no permanent damage to nerves or muscles. Remember mild shock usually result from brief contact with current less than 5 milliamperes. While there’ll be slight discomfort and pain the victim is usually able to return to work. If breathing and heart beat are irregular abnormally fast or slow the victim have receive a severe shock and requires medical attention. Severe electrical shock and related injury is often cause, traumatic shock this is the body’s reaction to severe injury. If the victim appears to be going to a traumatic shock make sure he stays lying down and calm him. Feel the skin if it’s naturally warm, loosen clothing, try to cool the victim by fanning. If his face is pale raise his tail. If his face is red, raise his head. Wait until qualified medical personnel arrive.