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Dealing with Bloodborne Pathogens Safely

This 4 minutes safety training video covers: What are bloodborne diseases, why bloodborne diseases is a serious concern in the healthcare industry, what are the safety precautions when exposed to bloodborne pathogens, what diseases you can get with bloodborne pathogens, what are the symptoms of HIV infection, why is it important to control HIV infection from spreading, what is hepatitis, who are at the great risks of hepatitis diseases, what are the different types of hepatitis, how important is hepatitis vaccine, what are the initial symptoms of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 28 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Bloodborne diseases continue to pose major health problems. Increasing infection rates for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are now making them as serious a concern as HIV, the virus which can often lead to AIDS. So it’s more important than ever for employees to understand the hazards of bloodborne pathogens, the policies and practices that can prevent their transmission, and the OSHA regulations that address them.

Topics covered include:

Video Transcript

As a healthcare worker you are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens on the job that includes Hepatitis B virus or HBV, Hepatitis C virus or HCV and Human Immunodeficiency virus or HIV. Hepatitis B virus or HBV causes serious liver disease symptoms may include jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, occasional nausea or vomiting or no symptoms at all. Most people infected by HBV may recover and clear the infection but each year thousands of people die from chronic liver disease and live cancer. Fortunately, a vaccine prevent Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis C virus also causes a serious liver disease and may cause symptoms similarly to Hepatitis B but these diseases have important differences. Hepatitis C is the leading indicator for liver transplants unfortunately, there’s no vaccine to prevent Hepatitis C. HIV attacks the immune system causing it to breakdown. There is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection.