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Breach notification and penalties

This 3 minute safety training video covers: What is administrative safeguards, what is technical safeguards, what is physical safeguards, how to ensure the privacy and security of protected health information, how does a "breach" occurs, what to do if a "breach" occurred or is suspected, when to issue breach notification and what are the penalties for having a data breach. Click here to watch the 21 minute full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

To get quality healthcare, people should not have to sacrifice the privacy or security of their personal health information. The set of regulations known as "HIPAA" ensures that private patient data remains private, but the laws can seem complex, and the penalties for non-compliance can be costly.

New HIPAA Rules and Compliance training products from ATLANTIC define HIPAA terms, explain the laws and discuss what business entities and employees in healthcare-related fields need to do to comply with them.

Topics covered in these products include:

Video Transcript

Administrative safeguards are policies and procedures that limit access to EPHI. Technical safeguards protect the data storage and transmission systems that handle EPHI from inside computer systems and networks. Physical safeguards work from the outside. If a breach is suspected, HIPAA presumes that one has actually occurred unless the covered entity which is involved can demonstrate that there is a low probability that PHI was actually compromised. If it is determined that a breach has in fact occurred, the covered entity must inform patients of that fact.