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September 27, 2016

Workplace Fatigue: Slay the Draggin’ and Maintain Motivation

Photo Credit: Rostislav Sedlá?ek/ 123RF

Photo Credit: Rostislav Sedlá?ek/ 123RF

Workplace fatigue…we’ve all been there. The early afternoon rolls around and you suddenly feel as though your body is heavier, your energy is on low, and you don’t feel like doing anything. Maybe you feel like that right now, and guess what? You’re not alone. A new survey of 1,139 employees from three companies in the U.S. shows that 76 percent of workers feel tired many days of the week, and 15 percent even fall asleep during the day at least once per week ( Frankly, maintaining your focus on work for 8 hours or more a day is a lot to ask of any human, when we’re anatomically programmed to be curious, crave entertainment, lose interest, and have varying abilities to maintain our attention to one thing. And then, we have to go home and focus our attention on household productivity! Sigh.

If you find yourself starting to struggle with maintaining your motivation and keeping the energy up, don’t feel guilty. You’re human. Try these simple tricks to boost your energy and your motivation to finish your day with gusto:

Change your thoughts

If you’ve read my posts before, you know that I’m a big advocate for mindfulness and that your mind is a powerful magnet! Your thoughts turn into your reality, so first things first is to stop the negative flow of thoughts. Saying things like “I’m so bored” or “I’m so tired” even in your mind, has the power to attract boredom and tiredness into your present reality. So stop it! It’s okay to be bored and tired, but stop telling yourself (or others) that you are, because it’ll only get worse. Instead, force yourself to think the opposition of what you’re feeling. Try thinking “there’s only 2 hours left in the day, it’ll go by quickly when I find something to work on” or “I got this, only a few more hours to power through.”

imgresEat a snack

Not a greasy snack from the gas station, either. Get yourself some fruit or nuts to munch on for some afternoon vitamins and protein. Focusing on eating will help take your mind off your boredom and tiredness, too.

Look out the window

Or better yet, step outside! Seeing the bright colors of the outside world, particularly the color green can help stimulate rejuvenation and promote motivation.

Take your shoes off

Taking your shoes off for a minute helps me rejuvenate because I feel cool air on my feet. If you wear work boots, this might be tough, but worth it!

Don’t skip breakfast 

Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast report being happier and have more energy throughout the day.

Drink cold water

Aside from the health benefits of staying hydrated, thirst can actually disguise itself as fatigue. You may need a tall glass of water. For an added energy boost, take the bottom of your cool water bottle and put it over each eye for a minute. The coldness expands the blood vessels in and around your eyes which will help eliminate any droopy eyes.

Organize your desk

Neatening your work space can be a great motivator! Plus, you’ll probably find that piece of paper you lost a few weeks back that you need.

Take a nap

I know this one seems obvious or unattainable but it’s been proven that you only need about 10-20 minutes of rest to rejuvenate your brain. If you can sneak in 20 minutes of shut-eye, do it! Very beneficial.


Stand up and do some stretches! Start with your neck, and work your way down through your arms, your back, your legs, and your feet. It’ll stimulate blood flow and help you refocus on work.stretching-814227_960_720

Rock out to music

On your way home, don’t use your car ride to contemplate everything you need to do at home or everything you did at work today. Use it as a time to lose yourself in your favorite music. These are the rare few minutes you get completely alone, be fun, be silly, get your mind off of all your crap.

Talk to someone

Get up and shoot the breeze with a coworker for a few minutes. It’ll give you a chance to get your mind off of your work, and laughing with someone is an added bonus! (It is the best medicine, after all.)

Support others

Telling someone they did a good job or offering praise to another person gives us a euphoric feeling that helps spread positivity and motivation.

Honestly, the list here could go on and on. Everyone is different and finds pleasure in different things. Some people might take a 5 minute break to write a poem, while someone else might take a 5 minute break to watch a funny video. Do something that keep your mind light, loose and busy for a few minutes and jump back into work when your mind has had some time to just relax and wander for a few minutes. Here- here’s a compilation of some funny videos.

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