Ladder Safety Training Powerpoint

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ladder safety

Ladder Safety Training DVD Preview

Ladder Safety Training Video

Ladder Safety Training Powerpoint Created by: Division of Occupational Safety & Health

Topics Covered:

  • Ladder Safety Defined
  • Causes of Falls
  • Proper Ladder Training
  • Types of Ladders
  • Ladder Inspection: What to Look out For
  • Ladder Positioning
  • Climbing and Descending
  • Ladder Misuse: Examples
  • Safe Ladder Practices

Date Created: 2009 Number of Slides: 40 OHSA Regulations: This powerpoint presentation is AtlantcTrainingt to OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926.1053. Created by: Division of Occupational Safety & Health

Ladder Safety in Construction Environment Safety DVD

  • Training DVD
  • Wallet cards
  • Scheduling form
  • Employee Quiz
  • Leaders Guide
  • Training Certificate
Ladder Safety Training Video

Other Ladder Safety Training Presentations

Portable Ladder Safety by Environmental Health and Safety

Date Created: 2001 Number of Slides: 47 OHSA Regulations: This powerpoint presentation is AtlantcTrainingt to OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926.1053 Created by: Environmental Health and Safety

Ladder Safety and Preventing Falls by Safe-Con

Date Created: 2006 Number of Slides: 49 OHSA Regulations: This powerpoint presentation is AtlantcTrainingt to OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926.1053 Created by: Safe-Con

Date Created: 2011 Number of Slides: 134 OHSA Regulations: This powerpoint presentation is AtlantcTrainingt to OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926.1053 Created by: National Association of Home Builders

Ladder Safety PPT

This presentation is on Ground Ladder Safety. Knowledge on ground ladders is essential for those workers that make use of them. Familiarization on the different parts of a ground ladder and purpose is included in this presentation, and proper usage of those parts. These ladders are used with proper placement and provided is the proper climbing technique to maintain safety at the workplace. Ground ladders has different types and each has its own purpose to finish work with ease and safety.

Ladder Safety by OSHA PPT

is provided by the National Association of Home Builders. Statistics show that falls is the leading cause of fatalities in residential construction; awareness and proper training on ladder usage poses an important role. In this presentation, factors in determination of proper ladder for specific purposes are given. Securing and stabilizing ladders is included in this lesson which serves to be the backbone of fall prevention. OSHA provides ladder safety regulations and a deep understanding must be upheld for the employee and the employers as well.

Fire Service Ladder Safety PPT

This presentation on Fire Service Ladders is provided by the North Lake Travis Fire and Rescue. The basic parts of a ladder and purpose is included in this presentation to familiarize individuals of a ground ladder. The ground ladder is the tool used by firefighters and knowledge on this is important. Ladder maintenance is given to keep ladders in the state of being useful and tips on repair is provided to make sure that everything is replace to regain its usefulness. Ladder inspection requires ladders to be inspected on a monthly basis or after each use to avoid having problems at the workplace.