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August 31, 2016

Drug and Alcohol Safety Training Powerpoints

employee drug use

Marijuana in the Workplace by MT

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Miller Thomas

    Download Atlantic Training’s collection of safety training PowerPoints from around the web to train your team on important EHS Safety topics today.

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Employee Substance Abuse Awareness & Prevention by PATHS

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    This training powerpoint was created by Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. It discusses employee substance abuse awareness and prevention and the cost of substance abuse. It covers the effects of substance abuse, the impact of alcohol and drug abuse on the workplace and the importance of having a drug-free workplace policy.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness by PATHS

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    This training powerpoint is a summary of what the the viewer will learn from the presentation such as the history and context of the issue, technologies for drug testing, and more.

Drug Testing by Connecticut DOL

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Connecticut DOL

    Download Atlantic Training’s collection of safety training PowerPoints from around the web to train your team on important EHS Safety topics today.

Managing AOD in the Workplace by Transafe WA

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Transafe WA

    This training powerpoint was created by Transafe WA. It uses graphs and statistics that shows fatal crashes accidents. It discusses drug and alcohol testing policy, the economical impact of alcohol and other drug use in the workplace, and the importance of having a drug and alcohol policy.

Work-Place Alcohol and Other Drug Testing by UA

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    This training powerpoint was presented by Dr. Cameron Wild, Associate Professor of University of Alberta. It provided a summary of what the the viewer will learn from the presentation such as the history and context of the issue, technologies for drug testing, and more.

Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors by FTA

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    This training powerpoint was presented by Lisa Shields. It provides a course overview slide at the beginning of the presentation. It discusses the different types of drug testing, the DOT requirements and the implications of each type of test. It also discusses how and when to do drug and alcohol test.

More employees than you would think abuse drugs and alcohol in the workplace. Because it alters your mind, it’s unlikely and employee can perform their job effectively or safely.

These Drug and Alcohol Training PowerPoints explain to employees the various types of substance abuse that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help keep their workplace drug and alcohol free.

DISCLAIMER: All free PowerPoints provided on this website have been created by third parties. The copyright owners of these powerpoint presentations have no affiliation with Atlantic Training. If you wish to have an item removed or have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at

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