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October 3, 2017

Being a Better Safety Communicator

better safety

How effectively do you communicate? Communication is one of the most important methods of influence and critical to success in any organization. It is also one of the most difficult to consistently get right. Great orators over time have moved bodies to conquer armies and moved hearts and minds to bring people together during difficult times. Today, captured attention is harder to come by and has become significantly competitive. Everyone has a message, and everyone feels theirs is more important than others’.

In our work helping leaders to understand and strategically prioritize how to improve culture, with the vast majority of them, improving communication is a primary focus of resources.

While organizations must educate, train, and coach their leaders (formal and informal) in communication tactics and help them continuously identify opportunities for further improvement, it is up to the individual leaders to improve themselves. A communication self-evaluation can help. This is a tool used with clients during leadership development and communication improvement engagements.

As you review each item, put yourself in the position of those you are leading. Consider their perspective, and then rate yourself on how effective you would be rated by your employees, based on how your employees think and act. Take the time to give this serious consideration. Which box would they check for each statement: Excellent? Good? Needs Improvement?


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