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Retail Industry Safety Training

Retail workers are some of the most visible people in the workforce. With this visibility and frequent interaction with the public can come a lot of hazards employees need training to handle. Employees will face risks from occupational injuries, food contamination, hazardous materials, theft, slips trips and falls, and workplace conflicts. Your retail employees also need training on managing a workplace, since they are responsible for the safety of the customers who visit their facility. Our training helps prepare retail employees for various job hazards and significantly reduces the chance of injury or illness.

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Hey Atlantic Training, my team has already completed their training. Why do we need your retail industry safety training programs?

Retail jobs are often fast-paced and heavy on the details. Sometimes the routine employees get into can mean they miss safety procedures that could result in illness or injury to themselves or to your customers. Our training is vital for retail workers because it helps prevent incidents related to electrical issues, fire prevention, and even ergonomics. Retail industries also fall under OSHA mandates that require employers to provide training on hazards within their workplace. When you take our training, you help mitigate these risks and comply with OSHA standards at the same time.