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Lock Out/Tag Out Training

Containing hazardous energy in order to perform repairs and routine maintenance is essential for protecting the safety of your employees. OSHA has mandated the Lock-Out/Tag-Out Standard and requires employers to provide training on this standard for their employees. Such training involves following specific steps to turn off the power sources, like electricity, hydraulic pressure, or steam, and then securing them with locks or tags to prevent them from being turned on again until the work is completed. When your employees complete this training, you significantly reduce their chance of injury or death on the job.

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Hey Atlantic Training, my team is already pretty good with these procedures. Why do we need your Lock-Out/Tag-Out training programs?

The kind of training covered in these programs is required by OSHA’s mandatory "Lock Out/Tag Out" regulation. Our approach to training utilizes scenario and environmental simulations that employees can recognize. This makes it easy for them to completely absorb what is needed when it comes to hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric-powered equipment Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedures. When you engage with training as thorough as ours, you protect the well-being of everyone involved.