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Workplace Violence Training Course

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Workplace Violence is serious. Learn about OSHA guidance, agency responsibilities, and mitigation strategies in this course.

8 minutes   |   SKU: AT012    |    Language(s): EN / ES    |    Produced 2022








8 minutes

Training Objectives

Define workplace violence and its impact
Explain OSHA's enforcement guidance
Identify employer responsibilities
Develop strategies to mitigate violence

Course Overview

Workplace violence is a social workplace hazard that cuts across sectors. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides general enforcement guidance for investigating violence resulting from a workplace-based event (CPL 02.01.058). Given the situational complexity of workplace violence, OSHA has published no specific Standard. Individual agencies and companies often adopt their own guidance.

Under OSHA’s Standard on Agency Responsibilities, agency heads are required to provide “each employee employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.” As you will learn in this training, workplace violence is a very real occupational hazard that moves beyond physical harm and is rarely mitigated through the use of PPE.

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