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Workplace Culture: Empowering Employee Decisions Training Course

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Learn communication, active listening, collaboration, and self-reflection skills essential for career growth and team success.

12 minutes   |   SKU: AT064    |    Language(s): EN / ES / FR    |    Produced 2023




EN / ES / FR




12 minutes

Training Objectives

Apply strategies to share ideas, tailor messages to your audience
Use data and evidence to support decision-making
Practice active listening to understand others’ perspectives and build rapport
Identify strengths and areas for growth to make valuable team contributions
Utilize strategies for effective collaboration in decision-making
Learn to establish clear roles and resolve conflicts constructively

Course Overview

Are you struggling with feeling confident in the workplace? Looking for tools to increase collaboration effectively within your team? Then this all-inclusive course may be exactly what's needed! This comprehensive program will enhance your ability to make decisions, boost self-confidence, and strengthen teamwork skills - everything necessary for effective collaboration.

In our ever-evolving world, decisions must be made quickly and confidently. Setting expectations, resolving conflicts constructively, or making valuable contributions all present unique challenges - our training makes this easier than ever.

This course will provide easy-to-implement strategies that can boost your confidence and your ability to communicate clearly, listen actively to others, and start to understand others' perspectives. You will learn about identifying strengths as well as areas that need improvement within yourself to remain an indispensable member of any team.

By the time you complete this course, you'll feel more empowered in the workplace thanks to having acquired the knowledge and skills needed for making informed decisions, collaborating efficiently with others, and creating a strong work culture. Our aim is that you will no longer have doubts arise when contributing to the team; you will feel fulfilled doing it all!

No matter where you are on your career journey, this training has something to offer everyone - newcomers or veterans alike. Achieve invaluable insight and techniques that can help propel you toward career success. Do not miss this chance to explore and unleash your true potential and advance your career - what are you waiting for?This program is available with Spanish and French closed captions.

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