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Bystander Intervention in Chicago Training Course

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Ensure compliance with Chicago law through 1-hour of bystander intervention training.

60 minutes   |   SKU: ABCBYS-C    |    Language(s): EN    |    Produced 2023








60 minutes

Training Objectives

Define sexual harassment under Chicago, Illinois, and federal law
Overcome barriers to bystander intervention effectively and safely
Understand employer responsibilities in addressing sexual harassment
Handle bystander intervention involving non-employees and non-work scenarios
Take proactive actions to intervene when witnessing sexual harassment

Course Overview

In line with Chicago's regulatory update effective January 1, 2023, this comprehensive 1-hour video training addresses the vital topic of bystander intervention. Designed to meet the city's legal requirements, the course delves into crucial aspects, including understanding institutional structures and cultural conditions fostering sexual harassment.

Participants gain insights into the specific definitions of sexual harassment as outlined by Chicago, Illinois, and federal laws. The training goes beyond theoretical knowledge, providing practical strategies to overcome barriers to intervention and ensuring safe and effective intervention methods. The content extends to handling situations involving non-employees and navigating non-work scenarios, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of bystander intervention.

Moreover, the course sheds light on employer responsibilities, emphasizing the role organizations play in fostering a safe, harassment-free environment. From recognizing signs to taking proactive steps, participants learn how to take action when intervention is necessary. The training isn't just about meeting legal obligations; it's about creating a culture of awareness, accountability, and collective responsibility.

Ideal for employees at all levels, this course equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to a safer workplace and comply with Chicago's legal mandates. Stay informed, stay compliant, and play a role in promoting a harassment-free environment through this engaging and informative video training.

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