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June 16, 2016

Workplace Stress Infographic: 11 Scary Statistics About Stress At Work

Some stress is actually good for you, but to much stress and constant worrying can impact your physical and mental state very severely (as this infographic suggests). Not only does it negatively affect you in many ways, it can have a profound impact on many areas of your life, such as your employer, family, etc. Workplace stress can be both good and bad, but too much, can certainly affect both you and your employer.

The best way to get rid of stress is to try and eliminate the stressors you have that are causing it. Stressors can include people, situations, negative circumstances, etc. Sometimes all it takes to eliminate a stressor in your life, is a simple perspective change. Viewing things through a positive light instead of a negative one can help alleviate a lot of stressful situations.

The following infographic breaks down the statistics regarding workplace stress in the United States, and how we can take steps to reduce it.

workplace stress
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Related Category: Workplace Stress Training Source: Officevibe

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