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What is the Purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets

This 3 minutes safety training video covers: What are the information included in MSDS, why material safety data sheet is important in the workplace, what is the use of MSDS, what is the major part of globally harmonized system, who is responsible for creating material safety data sheets. This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 17 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

Created specifically to assist facilities in complying with the employee training requirements of OSHA’s newly adopted GHS regulations, this program discusses using GHS Safety Data Sheets.

Atlantic Training’s GHS Safety Data Sheets Training DVD program teaches your employees the composition of GHS Safety Data Sheets, the information that’s contained in each section and how SDS’s are different from Material Safety Data Sheets.

GHS Safety Data Sheets Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

What’s new about the GHS safety data sheet first of, the name prior to the GHS, OSHA typically called this document the material safety data sheets or MSDS, you’ll now see it referred to as the safety data sheet or SDS but literally without the M on front. The document serve the same purpose, it is a chemical fact sheet. Safety data sheet go into much greater detailed about the chemical’s hazards and how to protect yourself. For this reason you should consult to safety data sheet for any hazardous chemicals you work with.